Imagination, Creativity and Spirituality in Psychotherapy (Leanne Domash, 2020)
Alone with the Alone. Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn ‘Arabi (Henry Corbin, 1998)
The Philosophers’ Secret Fire. A History of The Imagination (Patrick Harpur, 2002)
Lost Knowledge of the Imagination (Gary Lachman, 2017)
Embodiment. Creative Imagination in Medicine, Art and Travel (Robert Bosnak, 2007)

Body Psychotherapy
The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy: Engaging the Rhythm of Regulation (Deb Dana, 2018)
De Maskermaker. Systemisch werk en karakterstructuren (Veenbaas, Goudswaard en Verschuren, 2006)
In An Unspoken Voice. How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness (Peter Levine, 2010)
Anatomy and Physiology for Psychotherapists (Kathrin A. Stauffer, 2010)
Symbiosis and Autonomy (Franz Ruppert, 2010)

Systemic Work
De fontein (Els van Steijn, 2016)
Integrating Psychodrama and Systemic Constellation Work (Karen Carnabucci, 2015)
Systemisch Coachen (Jan Jacob Stam, Bibi Schreuder, 2017)

Depth Psychology
Alchemical Psychology (James Hillman, 2009)
The Red Book. Liber Novus (C.G. Jung, 2009)
Deep Creativity (Deborah Anne Quibell, Jennifer Leigh Selig and Dennis Patrick Slattery, 2019)

The Master and His Emissary (Iain McGilchrist, 2009)
Post-Traumatic Attachments To The Eerily Moving Image (Andrew Asibong, 2022)
Missing Out (Adam Phillips, 2012)
Playing and Reality (D.W. Winnicott, 1971)
The Three Marriages. Reimagining Work, Self and Relationship (David Whyte, 2009)
Mimesis and Alterity. A Particular History of The Senses (Michael Taussig, 2018)

Feel free to write to for other suggestions.