
Imagination is linked to cognition, body and space, and makes sense of our perceptions. It is with the whole of our being that we perceive the inner and outer world, and the world in between. We see, feel, smell, taste, touch and intuit images all day long. Images that ultimately define what we think, do and long for, and tell us where to go.

The truth is that many of us have lost sight of the intelligence of the body. We are disconnected from spontaneous body responses, and have learned to control feelings and expression by restricting breath, voice and free movement. With this suppressing and numbing of the perceptual capacities, we are distanced from ourselves, become susceptible to the manipulation of others, and lose touch with creative realms.


The practice of imagination involves clearing unhelpful images (seen, felt, smelled, tasted, touched and intuited) that block or misdirect our energies, and choosing to focus on constructive, mobilizing imagery that gives us courage and confidence. With Waking Up To Imagination I offer sustainable training methods that support creators to actualise their potential and possibilities, closer to their calling, in the belief that it serves their art and a more truthful and beautiful world at large.


The interaction between you and your project is investigated and explored until new insights and images surface, contributing to your work and your artistic undertakings. At the heart of the work are the methods as applied within the practice of Integrated Psychotherapy. These include Character Styles, Insightful Communication, Bodydrama (Gestalt/Psychodrama), Bio Energetics, Reichian Breathing, and Group Dynamics. These methods are complemented with Systemic Work and Embodied Imagination.® The methods intersect, underscore and strengthen one another. Years of training and practice have taught me to listen into situations and find an appropriate approach to specific questions and needs. This is backed up by nearly 20 years of study and work in the international film domain.